Saturday, August 11, 2007

Tony Nyadundo Plays Check-In Club

I may not be the Brooklyn vegan, but I just might be the only person blogging about the Busia live music scene. Yes, we have our very own live music venue in Busia-- the famous New Check-In Club. We went on Wednesday to see Tony Nyadundo perform. He plays traditional Luo tribe music--more specifically the Ohangla-style music, which was historically played during beer hall parties. Apparently his newest album is called "Obama," in honor of the Senator from Illinois, whose father hails from the Siaya District, just south of Busia.

When I snapped the pic he shouted "Mzungu" into the microphone, then improvised a little ditty about Mzungus. There's no such thing as anonymity in Busia-town when you are saddled with white skin. Anonymity is one thing I miss about life in New York...

1 comment:

Flo said...

I'm Kenyan and same here in the UK I really hate standing out in a lot of places I visit, I can understand the anonymity issue! Tony Nyadundo rocks!