Thursday, April 05, 2007

Dysphoric No More

Over the past several months, I have been feeling increasingly certain that the username "Dysphoric" no longer suits me. This is a very good sign, ¿no? Sure, I want to paint it black most of the time, and I´m usually the most cynical voice in the conversation. But what about all the good times? How can somebody who has so much fun call herself dysphoric? I may just quit my often overwhelmingly sad day job and try my hand as an aging rock-star (pic at left on air drums during car ride to Coban, Alta Verapaz).

So, I kill you off, dysphoric. I now go by the name nomad. Funny-- all I had to do to feel better was escape the NYC psychiatrists for a year (no offense Susan, Tanya, Andrea...)

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