Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Expertise in logistics is one of MSF´s greatest strengths. Efficient logisticians get supplies to disaster sites quickly after an emergency. They also are in charge of security, administration, and finances in the field. Most of all, they are problem solvers, the handy-types with common sense (Lola Evans, you were born for this job!). If the lights go out, go find the logistician. What?? There is no Fluconazole? Tell logistics I need it by tomorrow.

Logisticians come from diverse backgrounds, training, and education. Some of them are ex-military, some are engineers, some mechanics, and others are water or sanitation experts. Mary Ángeles (at left, in black sweater), our current logistician in Puerto Barrios, says that the most important quality in a logistician is curiosity and willingness to learn new skills. She also says it is the best job if you are a woman who happens to like men, as the male:female ratio is about 6:1.

These pics are from the logistics conference that Angles and Rafa attended in January. There were 25 men and four women. They had workshops on car fixin, water chlorination, antennas, and how to play tug-of-war with your vehicle. Note Rafa´s butt in pic below right, just in front of the rear wheel).

1 comment:

nomad said...

Ángeles fixed my computer too. Ella es de la puta madre.