is my new colleague and housemate. She is a nurse from London who has been with MSF on and off for the last seven years: Congo, South Africa, and somewhere else I can’t recall. I can’t help but contrast Lucy to the nurses at my old job in NYC who always seemed to be out on break. She is bright and hard-working (shown discussing PMTCT with Gabriella at left above). She uses funny expressions like "bips and bops," as in: "I'm going round to the office to collect the bips and bops I've left there." I think it means odds and ends.
Lucy knows more about tropical medicine and HIV than most of the doctors I’ve met in academic medicine. It makes me happy to think about the HIV negative babies who might have been born positive if Lucy had not been in charge of the Prevention of Mother to Clild Transmission program (PMTCT).
Is she single?
I think it depends on who's asking...
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